File To Link

File To Link

Telegram converter bot helps you turn any telegram file into a link that you can easily access.

Just send a file to the bot and it will give you a link in return.

You can click on this link to view the file online and stream it in your browser.

You can also use this link in Telegram download management programs(IDM) and enjoy fast download speed.

File To Link-menu

Unlimited cloud space in Telegram

Telegram is awesome because it gives you unlimited space to store files.

No other messenger app has this feature so well.

You can upload files up to 2 G if you are a normal user and up to 4 G if you are a premium user in Telegram.

That’s much more than other messaging apps. For example, WhatsApp only lets you send files up to 25 MB.

That’s why many businesses and companies use Telegram channels to share their video files.

Possible improvements

Have you ever tried download management programs?

They are amazing because they can speed up your downloads by using multiple connections at once.

Telegram doesn’t have this feature yet and it only uses one connection for each file. This means that your downloads might take longer than usual. Another thing that Telegram could improve is streaming.

Right now, you have to download the whole file before you can watch or listen to it.

This can be frustrating because it takes up a lot of time and data.

Don’t you think it would be better if Telegram could stream files without downloading them first?

What the robot can do for you

The converter bot is here to help you with both of the above problems.

It can turn your Telegram file into a link that you can download and stream easily.

You will be amazed by how fast it is when you use it with download management programs.

You can also share the link on your website or app. Converter will take care of hosting them for you.

How to enjoy the service

The service that this robot offers is amazing and worth paying for. But don’t worry, you can still use it for free up to 1 gig every day.

If you are a subscriber of the bot, you can always check your remaining volume and credit duration by clicking the My Account button in the bot.

To start using this robot right away, click on the link below.

Bot Link : @ConvertersFilebot

And if you want to order a bot similar to this one, just send a message to Telegram ID @Bot_Develooper