League manager bot

League manager bot

League manager is a Telegram bot that can help you manage your league in an intelligent and systematic way.

Telegram is a great application for group communication that allows users to talk and play group games together.

The League manager robot is designed to help you advance the game to the finals without making any mistakes in the tournament process.

League manager bot

Build a tournament

Only robot administrators can create tournaments in the robot. If you’re an administrator, you can access this section.

To create a tournament in the robot, follow these steps:

Determine the name of the tournament.

Choose the type of tournament.

Determine the classification.

The bot admin should define a name for the league. The new league will be added to the list of leagues defined in the robot.

Next, determine what kind of league this is. There are 8, 16, 32 and 64 tournaments.

In the next step, the robot will ask you whether this league has a ranking or not. In unranked leagues, only one winner is announced, and in ranked leagues, the top 3 players are selected as winners.

After completing these steps, the league will be created and its link will be provided to the robot admin. The admin can then share the link in the Telegram group so that every user who wants to participate in this league can join.

Participate in the league

To join the league, users in the group just need to click on the published link. This will direct them to the bot.

After the user clicks on the league, they will enter the robot and the robot will ask them to enter their name to participate in the league with this name.

With each new user added, the list of participants is updated and published in a beautiful image in the group so that all users are informed of the latest list.

The complete control of the league is in the hands of the robot admin. Participation in the league requires approval from the robot admin.

If the robot admin does not approve, the player will not be allowed to participate in the league.

The League manager bot advances the game to the final stage.

That is, winners in each stage are promoted to the next stage. With each stage’s progress, league images are updated in the group so that everyone is informed about the promoted winners.


If the league type is combined with ranking, the top three players will be selected and a congratulatory message will be sent to them.

Otherwise, the league will proceed until the first round of the league is selected.

After the end of the league, pictures will be published in the group so that the final winner can be announced to all users.


In this post, we introduced the League Maker robot. With this robot, you can organize mass group games in a managed manner. You can even make it more attractive by giving prizes to the top players.

Start an exciting race with this robot without any worries. Leave all the calculation and management tasks to the robot.

If you’re interested in ordering this robot or a similar one, please contact @Bot_Develooper