PV Sender

PV Sender

In this bot, you send your message to other users in Telegram.
Your message can be text, photo, video or file.
it is possible to send the message to all users of the group or only to the users you defined.

Why Telegram bot?

Telegram is one of the best and most popular messaging applications in the world.
Thousands of people join this program every day because of the suitable platform it provides for creating dialogue.
Telegram has made the management of groups easy and enjoyable by creating wonderful facilities and features in groups.
Telegram bots are in-app tools developed by programmers.
These robots perform tasks automatically and very accurately and at high speed.

How the robot works

To use this bot, you need a couple of Telegram accounts.
Adding virtual accounts to bot:

Give the mobile number that the account is going to be created on it

The robot sends a verification code to your number

Give the verification code to the bot

If the account has a two-step password, enter it

The robot sends a code from the request

The account is successfully added to the robot

After adding accounts, set your banner.
The banner is actually the message that you intend to send to the users.
You may want your message to be sent only to specific users, in this case, prepare a list of users’ usernames and give them to the bot.
By defining your desired Telegram group in the bot, the banner will be sent only to the users of the same group.
Well now everything is ready.
By clicking send message, the accounts you have entered will send your message to each user’s PV.

Usage of the bot

Telegram has set rules to protect users’ privacy.
These rules have made Telegram users experience high security in this application.
If you send messages to strangers with your main account, there is a 90% chance that your account will be spammed by them.

This means that you are no longer allowed to initiate conversations with strangers.
To do this, you need to buy virtual accounts and send your message to the user’s PV(private) with virtual accounts.
Each virtual account can send messages to 40 users in one day if not spammed.
To order PV Sender Bot, send a message to our ID in Telegram @Bot_Develooper